I'll get a better picture up tomorrow as I hate for you to think that they look exactly like this...:)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Why are my pictures lousy?
Probably because I need to change cd's,lol! Gotta remember that! Anyways, here is what I did this morning, I hate that the pictures are bad as the journals actually came out rather nice. Now I want to make more.....
I'll get a better picture up tomorrow as I hate for you to think that they look exactly like this...:)

I'll get a better picture up tomorrow as I hate for you to think that they look exactly like this...:)
Almost March!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Around the house.....
Nothing much to write about. I made this banner today...horrible pictures of it, I don't know what happened!

I have these roses drying (and an unseen bouquet of yellow ones) , can you tell I like roses? Wallpaper, cups, I have roses all over the house. I can't wait to see some blooming out in the garden!
I have a new love...apothecary jars! I wish I had more places to sit them.... Do you see my crystal ball? That's what I use to see who has visited my blog....;)

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Vintage cook books.....
Love the covers on these....shoot, I love anything vintage looking! I have a buch of old labels somewhere...if I can find them I'll scan them in and post pictures. I SO need to get up in the attic and go thru some boxes. I pack things up so I'll have room for whatever holiday/season I'm decorating for and a lot of times I don't get it back out. If you could see my attic you'd know why....:)

Where women create.....
I have that book right here beside me altho I haven't read it yet. I did peek at the pictures tho. What I'd give to have a room like those! I did get some new work tables recently but they aren't pretty....I opted for super functional!
Here are some of the places that I keep my stash.....I need more of those baskets! I wanted all pink but there weren't many pink ones so I took the lt. blue and lt. green too.
I've got too much junque...............;)

Here are some of the places that I keep my stash.....I need more of those baskets! I wanted all pink but there weren't many pink ones so I took the lt. blue and lt. green too.
I've got too much junque...............;)
Color of the day!
The color of the day is "Robin's Egg Blue", which also happens to be my favorite color of the month...:) I've been busy painting the small papier mache eggs, thought I had three dozen but it turns out I have 5 dozen. Which actually is great as I want to put these in a large glass bowl when I get done with them.

Aren't these M&M's pretty? I have a large ceramic blue egg (which you can see a bit of in the first picture) that I'm going to put them in, unless I come up with something better. I am so ready for SPRING!
I needed this tub! Not sure how I'll utilize it yet tho.... Any ideas?

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Some new pieces....
Allergies and weather throwing me for a loop!
I never had allergies 'til we moved to GA. Now it's a year round thing. I wake up feeling like poo and looking twice that bad! Nose so stuffed up, eyes all red and swollen/puffy, mouth hanging open so I can breathe, ha! This morning the mailperson (usually it's a mailMAN, guess we have a new one...a she...:) )left 2 packages on my front porch and thanks to Charlie (bark, bark!) I knew someone was around. Bless her heart, she brought my other mail up to the porch and gave it to me. That was so sweet of her! I thanked her in my early morning raspy voice and noticed an odd look on her face, nice and friendly, but like she was concerned. I took my stuff and went back inside and happened to look in the mirror. I saw why she looked concerned....I looked like I had just crawled out of a coffin and had put my pants on backwards! Guess she thought I'd been on an all-nighter or something,ha! Or maybe she thought she should call 911....who knows. Anyways, I turned my pants around (they DID feel funny...) and stumbled back into the kitchen to begin the morning ritual of the first feeding of the day for the animals.I was in such a fog I hope everybody got the right thing! I hate allergies.....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Birds are beautiful.....
Birds are beautiful
and sweet and charming. We feed the birds here on a regular basis, or rather hubby does. He fills all the feeders with sunflower seeds and the sweet little birds are so appreciative! They show their thanks by building nests all over our yard and raising their cherubic fledglings where we can watch them grow up.
I have "conditioned" a pair of mockingbirds to come to where I am by shaking a canister of raisins. They love them and when their young are old enough they bring them along. The babies then recognize that "Hey, that woman has goodies!" and proceed to scold me until I present them with a handful. The robins, catbirds, brown thrashers, rufous towhees, squirrels and racoons like them too!
Occasionally we get a bluebird in the backyard. They come and seem to be checking out the area to see if it would make a nice home. Apparently we have never passed the test for we have never had any nest back there. But they are so beautiful and a sight to behold with the sun glistening off of their blue feathers. We have Carolina wrens that live here too and one of their favorite places to build a nest is in the basement. Poor hubby has to keep and eye out for them as if they build in the basement they aren't able to come and go as needed. One year a pair succeeded in not only building a nest in the basement but also laying eggs in it. We had no choice but to leave the basement door open day and night until the babies left the nest. We didn't mind tho...:)

Monday, February 19, 2007
Poor little duckling....
Mother Nature was overly generous to this little fella....
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Chicks in a boat......
Well, hubby decided he didn't want to go to the movie after all. He's all caught up in a Jon Katz book and didn't want to leave it. That's great because I really didn't want to go anyways!
I regularly visit a forum where a challenge was issued by one of the board mommas----we are to do a piece that relays, thru artwork, who we are. I was worried that mine was all wrong because it ended up showing my inner feelings instead of "who I am" (well, some of them) but then realized that what we feel IS who we are. I really didn't say that right! Of course I knew that what we feel is who we are but, well, I thought I needed to , ok, I guess I'm not sure what I thought I was supposed to do. But I will post the pic of the piece as soon as it's dry enough to go on the scanner. Would appreciate any thoughts!
I regularly visit a forum where a challenge was issued by one of the board mommas----we are to do a piece that relays, thru artwork, who we are. I was worried that mine was all wrong because it ended up showing my inner feelings instead of "who I am" (well, some of them) but then realized that what we feel IS who we are. I really didn't say that right! Of course I knew that what we feel is who we are but, well, I thought I needed to , ok, I guess I'm not sure what I thought I was supposed to do. But I will post the pic of the piece as soon as it's dry enough to go on the scanner. Would appreciate any thoughts!
Went shopping yesterday.....
and found some real treasures....Somerset Studio's "The Art of Paper and Mixed Media" 10th anniversary issue,Sommerset Home, and Inspirations! It was my lucky day! My next lucky day will be when I have time to sit and look thru them...:) Hubby wants to go see "Ghost Rider" today, and I really need to get off of this computer and fix something to eat, ha! We skipped dinner (not to mention lunch, and we don't eat breakfast anyways) yesterday because we went to our new Sam's and they had a whole lot of sampling going on! Ha! I really don't like frozen prepared foods but it was offered and I was hungry! Lousy food but it somewhat filled the hole, so to speak. But now I am ravenous and I know poor hubby has got to be hungry too. Better go before the League of Liberals Against Spouse Starving comes a-knocking on my door...;)
I wish....
that the posts would publish as they are written, grrr! My posts seem disjointed as the read from the bottom to the top. Now it may just be me, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but if so they need to EXPLAIN what to do. If I can remember to do this, from now on I will post what I have to say and THEN post the pictures. Maybe that will help.
Sailors and their tatoos....
have nothing to do with this post, but little boys and their nautical attire do! My heart just melts at the sight of a little boy in a sailor suit. I'm going to be sharing some pictures of these little darlings over the next few posts.
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good evening! Hope everyone had a great day!
I want to announce the "birth of a new blog" so go on over to Wisteriagirl's blog at http://www.wisteriagirl.blogspot.com/ and welcome her! She's a "new-found yet feel like I've known her for years" friend of mine and together we just might whip up some mischief! She's having company this weekend so we might not see much action from her til next week.
I guess it's up to me to start the action sooooooo...."Wisteriagirl, I dare you to post a picture of yourself!" :)
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