Oh, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! This was the coldest Easter I can ever remember. I had already planted some tender plants out in pots and they were hit pretty hard altho the roses that are blooming didn't seem to suffer at all and I was certainly happy about that as they are full of blooms and buds. Well, more buds than blooms...:)
I haven't posted for a while because first of all my husband was on vacation. We didn't go out of town but we did spend a lot of time at the lake. The weather was perfect! Secondly, I opened up an Etsy shop and was busy dilly-dallying with that.
My friend over at Wisteriaplace has a contest going on to see who can give her ideas on what to do with her fireplace. Her link is to the right so go on over and visit!
I'm going to try and be better about posting, really!
Do you like strawberries? Look what I made.....it's up at the top. Anyways, it's a strawberry tart and yes, it tasted like Spring! There are some pictures of some of our azealeas starting to bloom out and a rose and some of my pansies. I haven't been very good about taking pictures lately!!!
First of all..I would love to jump head first into that tart!! Boy, does that look good! You can grow those most beautiful flowers of anyone I know...Wow! Talk about gorgeous! Thanks for the post on my Blog.
Just passing threw,come on over for a visit.
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